
- Healthy Active Lifestyle -


Our coaches have gone through life's struggles and want to help you avoid them. They provide practical guides with essential information on starting, growing, and optimizing your healthy active lifestyle. These blogs are a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their health, lifestyle, vitality and longevity. Let us guide you towards a better and healthier life.

Best nutrient for your eyes and brain

One of the Best Nutrients for Your Eyes and Brain

By Kristine Mae Sevilla

Lutein, One of the Best Nutrients for Your Eyes and Brain. Have you ever considered what nutrients are essential for maintaining healthy eyes and brain function? It’s easy to overlook the importance of a balanced diet in promoting good health, but certain nutrients have been proven to make a significant difference. Lutein is one such

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causes of alzheimer's disease

What are the Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease?

By Renaat Sioncke

What are the causes of Alzheimer’s disease? We will look into them from three perspectives: the impaired glucose metabolism. Mitochondria dysfunction and oxidative stress. And inflammation. Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. But what exactly causes this debilitating disease? Is it genetic, environmental, or a combination of both? Alzheimer’s

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8 Delicious and Nutritious Immune-Boosting Teas

By Kristine Mae Sevilla

What would life be without tea? Whether you drink black or green tea, these health drinks are packed full of antioxidants. Find out why they are good for your body and mind. And learn what delicious and nutritious immune-boosting teas you can drink. Tea has long been known to provide numerous health benefits. For centuries,

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How To Reduce Your Inflammation?

By Renaat Sioncke

How To Reduce Your Inflammation? Since, inflammation is a natural response of our body to fight against harmful pathogens or foreign invaders. However, chronic inflammation can cause serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and even premature aging. The good news is that you don’t have to live with

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The Best Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy and Prevent Aging

The Best Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy and Prevent Aging

By Kristine Mae Sevilla

What are The Best Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy and Prevent Aging? Are you looking for ways to keep your skin young and vibrant? If yes, then you should definitely try out these simple tips. The human body ages at a rate of roughly ten years per decade. This means that our skin begins

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The sun and Is Melatonin a Good Antioxidant

Is Melatonin a Good Antioxidant?

By Renaat Sioncke

What do you know about Melatonin? Is Melatonin a good antioxidant? According to Dr. Russell Reiter, PhD, a world-renowned expert on melatonin, melatonin is one of the most important antioxidants in the body. He discussed some of its biological activities and health benefits of Melatonin. He has written more than 1,600 scientific publications, including three

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The Correct Balance Of Fatty Acids Omega 3

What Is The Correct Balance Of Fatty Acids If You Want To Be The Healthiest You Can Be?

By Katrina Sevilla

The science is loud and clear: The correct balance of fatty acids is essential if you want to be the healthiest you can be. That means that maintaining a healthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is important for optimal health. Ideally, you want to maintain a 4-to-1 ratio, or less.But how do you do that

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The science of sauna biohacking and the benefits of infrared frequencies

Sauna Biohacking: An Introduction

By Renaat Sioncke

The science of sauna biohacking and the benefits of infrared frequencies. I have been a huge fan of sauna therapy for my entire life, and I have learned a great deal along the way. I summarize my understanding of how to best implement the sauna for maximum biological benefits, which include detoxification and heat shock

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Is Nutrigenomics Useful for Weight Loss?

Is Nutrigenomics Useful for Weight Loss?

By Kristine Mae Sevilla

Is nutrigenomics useful for weight loss? Let’s find out how the latest scientific breakthroughs can help you lose weight with the power of nutrients. Have you ever wondered if your genes could provide insight into what foods are best for your body? Nutrigenomics, the study of how genetics influence nutrition, is a relatively new field

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The Ultimate Biohacking Guide: Ways to Hack Your Biological Age

The Ultimate Biohacking Guide: Ways to Hack Your Biological Age

By Katrina Sevilla

A lot of people drink coffee because they think it gives them energy. Cold showers help with blood flow. Cold showers can help overcome leaky brain syndrome. Cold showers can be used to help with the blood-brain barrier. Cryotherapy chambers can help with oxygen efficiency. Buteyko breathing can help relieve stress and anxiety. Box breathing

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Optimal Health

The Crucial Role of NAD+ in Optimal Health

By Own Your Family

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is one of the most important biomolecules in your body. It’s involved in the conversion of food to energy, maintaining DNA integrity and ensuring proper cell function. Together, these functions help protect against or delay aging and disease. As explained by Conlon: STORY AT-A-GLANCE In this interview, Nichola Conlon, Ph.D., a

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What Is Biohacking?

By Own Your Family

In this article we explain what biohacking is, why you should care, what exactly is concidered biohacking, and why it is important. We give examples of biohacking. And we look with a positive view to biohacking and the persuit of humans to live healthier and longer. Biohacking is about optimizing our lives and bodies by

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