Amazing Benefits For Your Brain

Have you ever wondered how your brain works and how it affects your daily life? Dr. Jeffrey Fannin, a neuroscientist, has dedicated his life to studying the human brain and helping people with various neurological conditions. In this article you will read about the amazing benefits for your brain. Dr. Fannin specializes in brain mapping, a technique that can identify areas of the brain that may be causing issues such as ADHD, autism, and other neurological conditions. Once he identifies the problem areas, he can develop programs to help his patients make positive changes. Recently, Dr. Fannin has started using…

Renaat Sioncke

Renaat Sioncke is a full-time teacher and part-time online business owner. He's a family man with a wife and two sons. Renaat shares effective strategies for healthy living, which he specializes in. He's worked hard to build his business around his family life, and it's been a learning process. Renaat is committed to this lifestyle because it allows him to help others while also building his business and spending time with his loved ones.
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    Have you ever wondered how your brain works and how it affects your daily life? Dr. Jeffrey Fannin, a neuroscientist, has dedicated his life to studying the human brain and helping people with various neurological conditions. In this article you will read about the amazing benefits for your brain.

    Dr. Fannin specializes in brain mapping, a technique that can identify areas of the brain that may be causing issues such as ADHD, autism, and other neurological conditions. Once he identifies the problem areas, he can develop programs to help his patients make positive changes.

    Recently, Dr. Fannin has started using a combination of products – NRF1 activator, NRF2 activator, and Axio – with his patients and has seen remarkable results. This is a testament to the real science behind these products and their ability to support brain health and function.

    We would like to hear about your experience with our products and how they have been received by your patients. Please share any observations or feedback you may have.

    What are the benefits for your brain?

    Dr. Jeffrey Fannin is a neuroscientist who specializes in brain mapping. He helps people with ADHD, autism, neurological issues, and other conditions that they want to change. Dr. Fannin has programs that can help once he identifies what’s going on in the brain. Recently, he started using our products – NRF1 activator, NRF2 activator, and Axio – with his patients and has seen great results. This shows that our products have real science behind them.

    There is strong scientific evidence supporting it.

    It’s significant when someone with a similar level of knowledge and scientific background understands the medical breakthrough we’re discussing. Washington State University has declared the NRF2 activation to be the most significant preventative and therapeutic medical breakthrough in history.

    This is a clinical sample of an ADD case, specifically a 15-year-old male diagnosed with inattentive attention deficit disorder. Two brain maps were taken, one after 18 neurofeedback sessions and the other after 12 days of taking NRF1, NRF2, and Axio. A brain map shows the distance from normal based on standard deviations, with colors ranging from dark blue to red. The Normandy database has over 5,000 people.

    Experience benefits for your brain with the groundbreaking products Nrf1, Nrf2, and AXIO.

    Nrf1 Synergizer

    Protandim® NRF1 Synergizer™ harnesses the youthful energy of mitochondria to boost brain health and cognitive performance.*

    The Brain Mapping Experiment

    We can use a bell curve to see where the standard deviations are. Green in brain maps or quantitative EEGs means normal activity. Yellow or orange means two standard deviations above normal, while red means three. Light blue means two standard deviations below normal, and dark blue means three. Good and bad aren’t necessarily equated with these colors, as it depends on the frequencies.

    After 18 neurofeedback sessions, the patient’s thinking activity, or beta activity, was three standard deviations above normal. A brain map taken after 12 days showed that much of the activity was now within normal EEG range. This was a first for the neuroscientist in 23 years of practice. The patient’s ADD was still present, indicated by a color in the top of the brain map. The neuroscientist attributed the improvement to an increase in coherence, or how the body processes energy and information. Before the sessions, much of the coherence was not good, indicated by red and blue on the brain map.

    After 12 days on the Nrf1, Nrf2, and Axial, there were few lines on the patient’s demographics chart, indicating that they were within the normal range. This amazed the writer, who speculated that the body’s 600 million billion cells must be dynamically engaged in coherence for our organs and cells’ proper function. The coherence is taking place at a cellular, molecular level based on quantum physics.

    There is a noticeable difference in the individual’s brain map from 12 days prior. This change is only possible if there is a synergistic effect occurring between the cells in the body. The NRF1, NRF2, and Axio have aided in bringing all of the centers into the normal range and functioning within that range. The before and after brain maps are displayed for comparison.

    The writer is not a neuroscientist but notices a dramatic change in beta activity. The Axio products are incredible, and the writer feels great using them. When processing brain maps and needing to focus, the writer drinks Axio and feels a significant increase in energy and information. The writer believes this is due to the product pulling in energy and information from the morphogenetic field.

    Nrf2 Synergizer

    Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer®, is a breakthrough nutritional supplement that boosts your body’s own ability to produce powerful antioxidants.

    How benefit your brain with the Nrf1, Nrf2, and AXIO Synergizers.

    In summary, administering the NRF2 activator, NRF1 activator, and Axio to the patient in 12 days is being discussed.

    The cells have undergone sufficient repair within a span of 12.

    Explaining the cells repairing themselves is difficult. However, based on one person’s experience, it appears that something extraordinary is happening. Fortunately, we have equipment to measure these changes. The results were remarkable.

    The speaker has been with the company for almost nine years. They have witnessed hundreds of individuals with ADD finding relief from their products. The products have improved focus and concentration for many users. The speaker personally experienced a fog lifting from their brain after using the product. Brain mapping has provided evidence of the products’ effectiveness for many individuals with ADD. The speaker is pleased to have this evidence to support the positive impact of their products.

    It is really tremendous.

    The brain map confirms that the treatment is effective. The results were consistent with the previous test taken 12 days ago. This is not a made-up claim. Further testing with more patients will provide more evidence. The progress is exciting to witness.

    An EEG records what it records and cannot be deceived. The data cannot be altered in any way. This is the benefit of using an EEG – the information is reliable and accurate.

    Was there any physical change in the child at all?

    Reports from the school indicate a positive change in a student’s behavior. The student had previously been exhibiting typical symptoms of ADD and ADHD, such as acting out and not completing homework. However, after implementing a new approach, the student’s behavior has improved. The student is now completing homework, talking appropriately, and apologizing when necessary. As the student is 15 years old, there may still be some behavioral challenges, but overall, the student is showing progress. Our behaviors are a result of our thoughts and beliefs, and the student is undergoing a transformation in this regard.

    The teachers have noticed a positive change in his attitude and demeanor, which is supported by the improvement seen on the brain map.

    Both empirical evidence from the brain map and anecdotal evidence from those around him, including his parents, support the same conclusion.

    The statement is expressing enthusiasm. It is unclear what the enthusiasm is about.

    Protandim benefits for your brain
    Protandim benefits for your brain | Protandim Nrf1, Nrf2 en Axio

    Conclusion: benefits for your brain

    Many people struggle with maintaining optimal brain health and function, which can lead to a variety of issues such as memory loss, lack of focus, and low energy levels.

    These issues can significantly impact daily life and prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. Traditional solutions such as medication and therapy may not always provide the desired results, leaving people feeling frustrated and discouraged.

    Dr. Fannin’s use of NRF1 activator, NRF2 activator, and Axio has shown promising results in supporting brain health and function. These products have been scientifically formulated to provide targeted support to the brain, helping to improve cognitive function, boost energy levels, and enhance overall well-being. By incorporating these products into a daily routine, individuals can take proactive steps towards maintaining optimal brain health and achieving their goals. Contact us to learn more about these products and how they can benefit you.

    How we activate your health with coaching a natural approach

    Yes, … there is a way to naturally repair your body on a cellular level… through activating your body to do what it is supposed to. This is not supplementation, it’s activation! Start your Activated Living today. The Little Yellow Activator reduces oxidative stress by an average of 40% in 30 days and increases glutathione by approximately 300% in 120 days.* Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer is a daily food supplement that supports cellular health and well-being. To order LifeVantage products, visit our webshop.


    Renaat Sioncke

    Renaat Sioncke is a full-time teacher and part-time online business owner. He's a family man with a wife and two sons. Renaat shares effective strategies for healthy living, which he specializes in. He's worked hard to build his business around his family life, and it's been a learning process. Renaat is committed to this lifestyle because it allows him to help others while also building his business and spending time with his loved ones.

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